Automate port scanning with Nmap & Ndiff

To observe the changes of open ports over time

Table of Contents

Nmap Ndiff

Ndiff is a tool to aid in the comparison of Nmap scans. Ndiff, like the standard diff utility, compares two scans at a time. It takes two Nmap XML output files and prints the differences between them. The differences observed are:

  1. Host states (e.g. up to down)
  2. Port states (e.g. open to closed)
  3. Service versions (from -sV)
  4. OS matches (from -O)
  5. Script output

Scan and interpret the results/diffs

  1. Do a fast scan -F, and output result in XML format:

    # nmap -F -sS -sV -oX 192-168-1-10-$(date +%F-%R) 
  2. Do a full TCP port scan, service/version detection and output result in XML format:

    # nmap -p 1-65535 -sS -sV -oX 192-168-1-10-$(date +%F-%R) 
  3. Compare the two results with ndiff:

    -v, --verbose
       Include all hosts and ports in the output, not only those that have changed.
    $ ndiff -v file1 file2
  4. The full TCP port scan (-p 1-65535) exposed 3 additional ports:


Put the regular nmap scan into a script and ndiff its XML format results, and mailto the target recipient(s):

sh script:

OPTIONS="-v --top-ports 1000 -T4 -sV"
date=`date +%F`
cd /home/tzy/scans
nmap $OPTIONS $TARGETS -oA $BASENAME-$date > /dev/null
if [ -e $BASENAME-prev.xml ]; then
       ndiff $BASENAME-prev.xml $BASENAME-$date.xml > $BASENAME-diff-$date
       echo "*** NDIFF RESULTS ***"
       cat $BASENAME-diff-$date
echo "*** NMAP RESULTS ***"
cat $BASENAME-$date.nmap
ln -sf $BASENAME-$date.xml $BASENAME-prev.xml

Note: weekly scan can be extended to full TCP scan such as: -v -p 1-65535 -T4 -sV

0 0 * * 1-6 /root/cron/    # daily at 00:00AM, Mon-Sat 
0 0 * * sun /root/cron/   # weekly at 00:00AM, Sun

And it can be easily extended to include weekly, monthly, policy-based scans with carefully crafted scanning strategy.