
SQL injection with sqlmap

Table of Contents Scan for vulnerability Create a HTTP request file Scan the target Explore the vulnerable target’s databases and system Dictionary attack against password hashes and dump full credentials OS Shell Access Behind the scene Speedup the process and specify custom injection payloads Capture and decode the payload with Ngrep with Wireshark Decode the payload Scan for vulnerability Create a HTTP request file Use -r option instead of passing long parameters of --url, --user-agent, etc.

Ngrep: quick peek at http traffic

Table of Contents Quick peek Sorts out unique User-Agent (devices) Monitor the occurrence of the keywords Monitor HTTP GET | POST traffic by IP addresses DNS Quick peek Monitor activities on device eth0 port 80: -W byline: linefeeds (LF) are printed as linefeeds, more readable. -qt: quiet mode and print human-readable timestamp. # ngrep -d eth0 -W byline -qt port 80 Sorts out unique User-Agent (devices) In corporate environment, desktop/laptop OS build is often standardized.